Get in the know- Hypertension
What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of the arteries. The heart creates this force as it contracts and as it rests between contractions. How is blood pressure measured? Blood pressure incorporates two measures: Systolic blood pressure is the pressure against artery walls as the heart contracts (or beats) and pushes blood into the arteries. This is the top or first number in a blood pressure reading. Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure against artery walls between heart contractions. This is the bottom or second number in a blood pressure reading. What is hypertension? Hypertension is a medial diagnosis of high blood pressure, which is made if the systolic number or the diastolic number stays higher than normal most of the time. In this condition, the heart has to pump harder to move blood through the body, adding to the workload of the heart and blood vessels. Hypertension...