Everyday Activities That Count as Exercise

Don't have time to fit a workout in? Think again! Here are some everyday activities you may already be doing that can count as exercise!


1.) Shopping. From buying groceries at the grocery store to picking out a new pair of shoes, shopping means you're probably walking. Add some more walking in by parking far away from the store and walking.

2.) Cleaning. Vacuuming, dusting, sweeping, and many cleaning tasks burn calories! Make it more of a workout by adding calf raises, squats, lunges, or torso twists while cleaning up!

3.) Cooking. From chopping veggies, washing dishes, to whisking and stirring things by hand, you can get some exercise just from making dinner!

4.) Washing Your Car. If you wash your car by hand then you can get a quality workout in doing so!

5.) Shoveling Snow. Let's hope we don't see snow for awhile, but during the winter months shoveling snow is a great workout. Make sure you're using proper form so you don't hurt your shoulders, neck, and back in the process.

6.) Gardening and Yard Work.  Gardening and yard work require a lot of energy from walking to lifting and pulling, shoveling, pushing a lawnmower, and much more. These tasks can make for a great workout!


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