The Health Benefits of Yoga

Have you thought about adding yoga to your routine, but are unsure of how it may help your health? Check out these health benefits of adding yoga into your fitness routine.


1.) Emotional Health Boost. Yoga can help relieve stress and tension in addition to helping you practice mindfulness. By adding yoga to the beginning of your day, you can feel ready to tackle on any challenges. Adding yoga to the end of the day can help you relax and sleep better.

2.) Relieve Pain and Tension. Yoga helps you to stretch and relieve tension and sore muscles. By increasing your flexibility, yoga can also help with chronic pain.

3.) Sleep Better. Yoga can help you reduce stress and anxiety. Try a relaxing yoga class or poses before bed to calm your mind and body and get ready for sleep.

4.) Improves Your Flexibility and Strength. Strong muscles and flexibility can help with posture, muscle tightness and injuries, and help to build up strength to prevent falls and chronic pain.

5.) Drop Your Blood Pressure. If you struggle with high blood pressure, research shows that yoga can help reduce this!

6.) Helps You Focus. One component of yoga is to help you focus on the present. By practicing yoga regularly, you can improve your coordination, reaction time and memory.

7.) Encourages Self-Care. Taking the time for yoga is taking care of you! Good self-care can help reduce stress and create healthy habits.


  1. According to Pete McCall, exercise physiologist and personal trainer for the American Exercise Council: "Yoga can result in better sex because it will help your flexibility and strengthen your pelvic muscles." A study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine suggests that yoga can treat premature ejaculation and improve sexual satisfaction .

    In addition, as another research from the British Columbia University mentions, stress reduction thanks to the practice of yoga increases libido and sexual vitality. Therefore, by improving sex life in different ways, it is possible that the relationship also benefits.

  2. Progressive muscle relaxation is a two-step process in which you systematically tense and relax different muscle groups in the body. With regular practice, it gives you an intimate familiarity with what tension—as well as complete relaxation—feels like in different parts of your body. This can help you react to the first signs of the muscular tension that accompanies stress. And as your body relaxes, so will your mind.

    Progressive muscle relaxation can be combined with deep breathing for additional stress relief.


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