Is it OK to work in bed?

Stay late at the office to prep for a morning meeting … or head home and hop in bed with a laptop? While it may be tempting to get comfy with papers, spreadsheets, and email, doing work under the covers could compromise sleep.

The Need-to-Know

The hours we spend at the office may not be enough. In one survey, fifty percent of employees admitted to working two to six hours a week in bed right before going to sleep. But research suggests that working in bed makes it harder to see the bedroom as a place for sleep, which can ruin a good night’s rest.
Plus, most people’s work involves digital technology and using electronics right before bed may negatively affect sleep quality. According to one survey, 95 percent of people use some form of electronics shortly before hitting the hay. The glitch in this system is that exposure to artificial light (from devices like phones and computers) after sunset suppresses the release of melatonin, the sleep-promoting hormone. Using electronics around bedtime also keeps us alert and can shift circadian rhythms so that we stay up later.

Separate Yourself — Your Action Plan

Even with apps that help us get a better night’s rest, take a hint from flight attendants and turn off all electronic devices. Generally, it’s best to unplug 45 to 60 minutes before bedtime. It also helps to remove reminders of work-related stress by leaving the laptop and briefcase in another room — seemingly harmless work-related activities, like writing a letter or balancing the checkbook, could keep us wide awake.

To strengthen the association between lying in bed and feeling sleepy, snoozing and personal connections should be the only thing happening between the sheets. It’s worth doing some re-arranging to keep out anything that does not help us relax— like exercise equipment, television and cell phones.

Share your thoughts! How do you prepare for a good night's sleep?


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