Food of the Month: Arugula

Spring is certainly in the air, so I thought it would be helpful to highlight a wonderful and tasty vegetable you can grow in a pot without a lot of work - we have enough of that, right!

Arugula is a dark green leafy vegetable with various names including rocket, roquette, rucola, eruca, or rocket salad. It grows well in a mild, cool springtime setting with some sun.

Haven't heard of it? Well, you may only have come across arugula as one of the many irregularly shaped green leaves in a prepackaged salad mix you find in the grocery store. More recently, packages or bunches of arugula have become more available for purchase.

Nutrition Facts for Arugula

1 cup of raw arugula contains:
  • Calories: 5 kcal
  • Fat: 0.1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0.7 g
  • Protein: 0.5 g
  • Fiber: 0.3 g
  • Glycemic Index (GI): Low
As you can see, arugula is a very low-calorie vegetable that is also high in Vitamin K and a good source of Vitamin A. More recently, it has been shown to contain many different phytonutrients that are potent antioxidants, including glucosinolates and sulforaphane. Sulforaphane appears to have a strong protective effect on DNA. Other studies have identified anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer effects of the plant. With so much antioxidant power in an almost calorie-free helping, it is time for this leafy green to start making frequent appearances in our meals!

If you choose to buy arugula instead of growing it, make sure you pick smooth leaves with no slimy spots or edges and use soon after purchase. Arugula has a nice spicy, peppery bite, and it therefore goes well in salads that have contrasting textures and flavors. I find it best to mix half arugula and half spinach for a "perfect" blend. Arugula can also be quickly sauteed or blanched, then added to pasta dishes, casseroles, pizza, stew, or soup. Cooked arugula has a milder flavor than raw arugula. Do you enjoy pesto? You can easily use arugula in place of basil for a nice change in flavor.

How to Add More Arugula Into Your Diet

Have other ideas? Please share with us!

Healthy wishes,

Jess, Alissa, Maura and Marilyn
Your Vermont State Employees' Wellness Team


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