
Showing posts from August, 2024

Build Your Own Activity Planner

Use this handy Activity Planner  tool from the Department of Health and Human Services to incorporate more activities into your week! This planner is totally customizable with a variety of activities from home repairs to hockey. According to the CDC adults should aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, or an equivalent combination each week.  Moderate-intensity activity examples: Walking fast, water aerobics, riding a bike on level ground, pushing a lawn mower. Vigorous-intensity activity examples: Jogging or running, swimming laps, riding a bike on hills, playing basketball. Use the "talk test" to find out which is which! If you are breathing hard but can still have a conversation easily, it's moderate-intensity. If you can only say a few words before you have to take a breath, it's vigorous-intensity.

Need a Mood Booster?

Our overall mood can be influenced by a variety of factors such as weather, social interactions, stress, quality of sleep, and world events. Not only does our mood effect how we think and feel but also has a significant impact on our decisions, relationships, and general health and well-being. A positive mood may look like feeling happy, energetic, optimistic, and feeling productive, energetic, and engaged in life. Common signs of a negative mood are feeling disconnected from life, feeling sad, anxious, irritable, and having a sense of hopelessness. Mood fluctuations are totally normal and some days we need a little boost. Try some of these fast-acting favorites: Move your body - Exercise releases endorphins that have a mood-boosting effect. Spend time in nature - Connecting with nature can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Listen to your favorite music - Put on some upbeat songs and dance along! Laugh - Share a joke or watch a silly movie to give yourself a chuckle. Call

Keep Your Fruits and Veggies Fresh!

  With so many seasonal fruits and vegetables available this time of year, we hope you get to enjoy a wide variety! Whether you grow your own, are part of a CSA, or pick up with your groceries, here is a quick guide for storing some of our favorites to preserve freshness and reduce waste!

Kindness Creates Community

  Kindness is powerful and can bring people together, making communities stronger. When we show kindness, we create a ripple effect, encouraging others to be kind too. Simple acts, like helping a neighbor or smiling at someone, can brighten their day and build connections. Kindness helps us feel closer to each other. When we support and care for one another, we create a sense of belonging and trust. This makes our community a happier place to live. Acts of kindness don’t have to be big, small actions show we care and are willing to help. Holding the door open, sharing a meal, or saying a kind word can make a big difference. More ideas here. Being kind also makes us feel good. It reduces stress and boosts our mood. By spreading kindness, we create a positive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Let’s all practice kindness and make our community stronger and more connected.

Taking Advantage of Our Benefits

  Understanding your benefits is crucial for all State employees. We can see exactly how impactful our benefits package is using the Total Compensation Calculator , check it out if you haven't already! There are so many different benefits to keep track of, but staying aware of your options can significantly impact your well-being and financial stability. Knowing the details of your health insurance plan , for example, can help you feel confident seeking care early, and save you money on medical expenses. Understanding what is covered, what your co-pays are, and which doctors are in-network helps you make informed healthcare decisions. If you have questions, reach out to the Benefits Department at 802.828.6700, option 1, option 3. Retirement plans , such as the details of pension, 457(b) and 403(b) plans, are also essential. Understanding your options can help you plan and prepare for the future more effectively.  Our Leave options are another set of important benefits. Knowi

Plan a Staycation!

  With a few State Holidays coming up, planning a "staycation" can be a great way to relax and enjoy your local area without the hassle of travel. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you plan a perfect staycation: Define your Staycation Goals Relaxation, adventure, family time? Set a Budget Decide your spending limits. Choose a Theme Spa, cultural, outdoor, foodie? Create an Itinerary Friday Evening: Relaxing dinner or event. Saturday: Morning activity, evening relaxation. Sunday: Leisurely morning, brunch, light activity, evening prep for the week Unplug Limit screen time, set an out-of-office reply. Embrace the Mindset Avoid routine chores, focus on enjoyment .

What habits do you want?

Habits are the architecture of our lives. Whether the framework they provide is helping us flourish or holding us back, understanding how to hack our habits can lead to an improved life. Today we will explore strategies to help you engineer positive changes in your life. Guide with Goals : Set clear and measurable goals when trying to change habits. Instead of vague objectives like "I want to eat healthier," set specific targets like "I will eat at least one serving of fruit or vegetables every meal." This clarity makes it easier to track progress and stay motivated. Understanding habits : To adjust habits effectively, it's essential to understand how habits are formed and maintained. Habits are learned, and include a cue, routine, and reward. Recognizing what cues prompt a habit you would like to change is helpful, as well as understanding the reward. For instance, it might help reduce alcohol consumption to leave most of the beer in the pantry and just one b

Stay Nourished With Quick Choices

Need some inspiration? Here are some easy ideas to keep you energized and nourished throughout the day: 1. Wraps and Sandwiches: Make a tasty wrap or sandwich with whole grain bread or tortillas. Fill them with protein sources like beans, chicken, or fish, and add plenty of your favorite veggies like tomatoes, microgreens, hot peppers or cucumbers. Include high flavor items like fresh herbs, or sauces like pesto or romesco. 2. Salads: Toss together a quick salad with mixed greens, your favorite vegetables, and a protein like grilled chicken, beans, or hard-boiled eggs. Add some nuts for extra crunch and a zingy vinaigrette for flavor.  3. Leftovers: Use leftovers from dinner to create a new meal. Turn last night’s chicken into a chicken salad or reheat some rice and add tofu, fresh veggies and a drizzle of your favorite sauce for a quick grain bowl. 4. Smoothies: Blend a smoothie with fruits, a handful of spinach, yogurt or other protein source and milk for a nutritious and quick b

Boost Your Wellness This August!

August is a great time to check in on ourselves, and focus on our wellbeing. With the summer heat in full swing, staying healthy might look a little different than during the cool winter months. Here are some simple tips to help you feel your best. 1.      Take Breaks: Short breaks help refresh your mind and body. Step out of the heat if you work outside or get some fresh air if you spend a lot of time at a desk. 2.      Healthy Snacks: Keep nutritious snacks like veggies and dip or fruits and nuts handy. They provide energy and keep you focused, and juicy produce can help with hydration too! 3.      Move Around: Don’t work in one position for too long. Stand up, walk around, or do a few stretches to stay comfortable. 4.      Connect with Others: Maintain your support systems by spending quality time with people you like, whether it is friends, family, community groups or your coworkers. 5.      Stay Selfish: Joke all you want but reserve some time to check in with you