The Value of a Simple Morning and Evening Routine
Having a simple morning and evening routine can make a big difference in your life. Routines help you start and end your day in a positive way or a negative way. Intentionally setting a routine that utilizes "autopilot" in a good way sets you up for success without having to consciously choose optimally each time. When starting out, keeping your routine simple can help make it realistic. Below is a sample jumping off point, but no one routine works for everyone. After reading, take a moment to think about what would be helpful for you. Morning Routine: Wake up at your preferred time : Get up with enough time to prepare for the day, but not so early that it prevents getting good sleep. Stretch or exercise : A few minutes of stretching or light exercise wakes up your body and mind. Eat a healthy breakfast : A good breakfast gives you energy and helps you focus. It doesn't need to be elaborate, it just needs to be a healthy option that works with...
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