Seasonal Affective Disorder Reminders

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression linked with certain seasons. SAD is thought to be caused by a combination of decreased light in the winter and our body’s natural reduction in serotonin levels during colder times of the year. Even though we can’t control the light or temperature, we can do some things to help lessen the impact. 

Try these are strategies to help reduce Seasonal Affective Disorder:

1. Find ways to increase your serotonin levels.

  • Exercising regularly is an effective way to boost your serotonin. It can be hard to motivate yourself to exercise, but once you get going, chances are you’ll be glad you did.
  • Sleep. It’s tempting to sleep more in the winter months due to the weather and our tendency to be less active in winter. Maintaining a healthy sleep schedule can boost your well-being. Resist the urge to take long naps during the day. Start by working on getting into a routine of falling asleep and waking up at similar times, and giving yourself the necessary amount of time to rest. 

2. Try to access as much light as possible.

  • The further north a population lives the less day light it receives during winter and the more that SAD tends to impact that population on average. To manage this, make sure you make the most of the daylight you have. Take walks during the sunniest hours even on blustery, cold days. Experts recommend at least 30 minutes of walking in the sun a day to help with SAD. 

3. Spend time reflecting on the current season and the season ahead.

  • Reflect on some things that you love about winter. Schedule time for your favorite activities, ones that you only do during this season. Perhaps it is snow-related, like building a snowman or going skiing. Maybe it is the feeling of curling up under a warm blanket after being out in the cold. Taking time to find and enjoy the good gives us something to look forward to.
  • Sometimes the dead of winter feels never-ending, but we know it eventually ends and the beauty of spring follows. Look forward and think about the things you are excited about and coming soon!

If you find that these strategies aren’t effective in minimizing SAD, talk to your doctor about other strategies or possible medication options. 


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