Spring/Summer CSA Information

Have you been considering signing up for a CSA? Many CSA's are still accepting sign-ups for their spring shares!

CSA's are great for providing a weekly variety of fruits, vegetables, and even local products. The variety of produce in a CSA share can introduce you to new vegetables you wouldn't normally pick up at the grocery store as well as some of your favorites too! If your goal this year was to make new and healthy recipes, this can be a good way to achieve that goal!

When you sign up for a CSA, you can expect a weekly or biweekly delivery to the location you signed up for. Many CSA's are an upfront cost (some will allow you to split the cost over several payments) - as you pay for several weeks of food in advance. While this can be expensive at first, the overall weekly cost are usually less than what you'd pay at a grocery store for the same products.
The State of Vermont offers a worksite CSA Program. Follow the link to check it out!


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