Simple Tips to Stay Focused at Work

There are days we find ourselves super productive at work, while other days we struggle to keep our head off the desk and our mind focused on the task at hand. We have all had those, scattered, unfocused days where it seems that no matter how hard we try to buckle down, our minds are all over the place.

Below are some simple tips to helping you to stay focused and productive day in and day out:

Make a list of goals. If a task seems daunting, create a list of what accomplishing it will mean for you. Will it get you closer to a promotion? Will you finally be able to relax in your home once it’s organized? Will you finally have some free time? Focusing on the outcomes of your hard work can make it easier, and even more exciting, to complete.

Eat small, frequent meals during the day. It's nearly impossible to stay focused if you're hungry. Healthy nutrition begins with a sound breakfast, so be sure not to skip it! Include fresh fruit, healthy protein sources and whole grain carbohydrates to keep you satiated and full of energy. An example of an energy-sustaining snack could be 6 oz. of Greek yogurt with a 1/2 cup of berries and 1/4 cup of low-sugar granola.

Work exercise or movement into your day. Movement during the day helps your body to produce endorphins, which are "happy" hormones to support a good mood, they provide a burst of energy and enable you to focus on your tasks from start to finish. If you find your mind wandering, take a moment to stand up and do a quick stretch or two or, if possible, leaving your physical environment to walk around the outside of your building may help. Just these simple steps can help to refocus you!

Clear the clutter. It's virtually impossible to focus on a task if your desk is a swarm of papers and reminder notes. Do yourself a huge favor and get rid of clutter and attempt to organize your space – when your work space is focused, you will be more focused, too.

Meditate & Relax. Meditation is a great way to quiet your mind, get rid of distractions, and focus on the present. Meditation can be as simple as closing your eyes and focusing on your breath from 1 -10 minutes prior to beginning a task.  If you’re struggling during your work, take 5 or 10 minutes for some quiet meditation, then tackle it again.

Reward for yourself. It may be helpful to set a time limit to work on a specific task or project. If you've worked diligently during the entire time, tell yourself you can take a break to relax, go for a walk, read something for pleasure, etc. Be sure you reward yourself with things that support your health, not sabotage efforts such as unhealthy snacks or treats.

Establish a support network. If you’re embarking on a long-term goal, such as weight loss, for example, enlisting family and friends for support is a great idea. That way, everyone can help keep each other on track if someone starts to lose focus. Be sure to choose individuals who will support your efforts, not sabotage. You may have friends who are not on board, so choose wisely to successfully work toward your goals.

The old rubber band trick. Place a rubber band or hair tie around your wrist. If your attention starts to slide while you’re working, snap the rubber band (not too hard!) to give yourself a jolt back to the present.

EscapeGo outside. Getting some fresh air and sunshine, regardless of the time of year, can reset your mind if you find yourself distracted and frustrated. Taking a break to get outside can help you return to your task way more focused.

Have a cup of coffee. Not only does coffee provide energy, the caffeine that it contains has also been linked  to improved mood, memory and reaction time, as well as improved overall cognitive function. Not a coffee fan? Brew a delicious cup of black or green tea.

Now, get to work!


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