New Year's Resolutions: Positively Impact Your Mind, Body & Spirit

The new year is fast
upon us. Are you, like most people, itching with the desire to get healthy? Most New year's resolutions are aimed at changing habits, and habits — regardless of their nature — are hard to change and even harder to maintain. But just because New Year's resolutions are tough to keep doesn't mean they're impossible. Start with a new approach: goal-setting that includes physical and emotional well-being, with milestones that increase your commitment as you reach them.

Idea #1: Learn to Laugh at Yourself

Laughing is one New Year's resolution that should be easy to keep — and it's good for your health. Being able to engage life positively and with spontaneity is crucial to mental and even physical health. When we laugh, this is exactly what we are doing. Studies have found that people who laugh a lot are at decreased risk for heart attack. So make a resolution to chuckle, giggle, or cackle  — even at your own expense when you do something silly or embarrassing. Laughing feels much better than stressing.

Idea #2: Practice Forgiveness

Holding a grudge takes a lot of energy and can add to your stress. Let go, forgive, and move on — you’ll be happier and healthier. When you're goal-setting for 2014, commit to forgiving those who have hurt you — and to forgiving yourself as well. One study found that terminally ill people who learned to forgive experienced greater peace and quality of life. So make forgiveness a resolution this New Year and enjoy the emotional benefits it brings.

Idea #3: Donate Your Time to Others

Add "volunteer" to your goal-setting list for 2014. Helping others actually benefits you too — it can make you feel great. Research shows that people who volunteer are physically and mentally healthier than people who don't. Setting a New Year's resolution to volunteer regularly can help you stay busy and get involved in your community, as well as giving you an activity to look forward to.

Idea #4: Get Organized at Home

When you come home from a long day at work only to find a messy kitchen or a late utility bill notice in the mail, your stress level may skyrocket. So make a New Year's resolution to get better organized at home. The satisfaction and reduced stress will spill over into other areas of your life. You'll feel more on top of chores and less overwhelmed when at least one aspect of your life is in good order.

Idea #5: Schedule a Health Check-Up

If you've been avoiding your doctor or just haven't had the time to get a check-up, this is the year to make an appointment. A medical visit is your opportunity to ask health questions, discuss your risk factors, and catch any budding health problems early on. One study found that screening for body mass index could identify people who are obese or overweight and regular counseling about weight and health can help you lose weight — and get healthy. When you're goal-setting, add an appointment with your doctor to the list.

Idea #6: Manage Stress

It's imperative to regulate tension and there are a myriad of tension-regulating behaviors ranging from extremely unhealthy to healthy. Exchanging those unhealthy behaviors for healthy ones makes for a good New Year's resolution. We suggest activities like reading, listening to music, dancing, meditation, and yoga to manage stress and have fun. Including stress management in your goal-setting will keep you happier and healthier all year long.

Idea #7: Keep Exercising

This one's a no-brainer — and it's a New Year's resolution you've probably made before. But this year’s resolution shouldn't be just to start exercising — you need to keep exercising, day after day, year after year, to keep your mind and body healthy. Research has shown regular intensive running actually treats depression. But beyond that kind of specific benefit, exercise in general helps to manage stress and makes most people feel better and function better.

Idea #8: Commit to Healthier Eating

Have you ever noticed how sluggish and sleepy you feel after a huge, fatty meal? If you want to feel better and be healthier this year, make a New Year's resolution to eat a healthy diet … all the time. Research is clear that a healthy diet improves physical health as well as emotional health and cognitive function. And when you're feeding your body healthy fuel, you simply feel better. Use your favorite, most delicious healthy foods and experiment with new recipes as you carry out this New Year's resolution all year long.

Idea #9: Have Fun With Friends

Spending time with your buddies and relaxing with a best pal sound like pretty easy New Year's resolutions to keep. And relaxation and socialization are healthy activities that can improve your well-being. One study found that residents of nursing homes who felt emotionally connected to someone else felt less lonely. Making time for friends and social relationships can help lower stress levels. Make being with friends a New Year's resolution — and you can work on your other resolutions together.

Idea #10: Hit the Hay on Time

With all of your new year’s socializing and exercising, you're sure to be exhausted by the end of every day. To keep your energy level high, make sleep one of your New Year's resolutions. Studies have found that children who have regularly scheduled and healthy sleep become physically and emotionally healthier adults. Adopt good sleep practices, including setting a regular bedtime and waking up at the same time each day (yes, on weekends, too). To get good quality sleep, create a dark, quiet, and comfortable sleep environment.

Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year!
The LiveWell Vermont: State Employees' Wellness Team


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